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The Record

SUNY Buffalo State's award-winning student news outlet since 1913

The Record

SUNY Buffalo State's award-winning student news outlet since 1913

The Record

[PHOTO GALLERY] Take Back the Night 2019

Aaron Bobeck, Staff Photographer April 9, 2019

On April 9, 2019, students attended the 10th annual Take Back the Night to raise awareness for sexual assault. The event was sponsored by Weigel Health Promotions, Equity and Campus Diversity, the Dean...

Rowing Recognized

Rowing Recognized

Francis Boeck, Managing/Sports Editor April 8, 2019

That nursery rhyme about gently rowing your boat down the stream was wrong...very wrong. Using about 85 percent of one’s muscles, rowing is one of the most demanding sports one can do. It was...

Administrative Spotlight: Vice President for Student Affairs Timothy Gordon

Administrative Spotlight: Vice President for Student Affairs Timothy Gordon

I'Jaz Eberhardt, Vice President, News Editor March 28, 2019

On January 16, 2018, Timothy Gordon, Ph.D. became SUNY Buffalo State’s new vice president for student affairs. Nearly a month later, he was handling a water main break in the Campbell Student Union,...

USG News and Notes: SpringFest, rowing and elections

USG News and Notes: SpringFest, rowing and elections

Dylan Sleight, Associate News Editor March 22, 2019

Session Opens: 8:54 P.M. 3/19/19 News: Tonight attitudes were lighter than many weeks at USG. Eboard members, senators, and assemblymen alike were dressed down in preparation for next week’s highly...

Photo by Yomira Meregildo

Seniors welcomed back to campus living after renovations

Kiera Durning, Reporter March 22, 2019

SUNY Buffalo State is taking it back to before 2015 with residence life allowing senior students to live on campus again. In a recent email from Timothy Gordon, the Vice President for Student Affairs,...

CURVED: The Curse of Hera

Ariel Frazer, CURVED Editor March 19, 2019

Part One Living as time moved on was never easy, as people around me grew older I just stayed the same. Moving every few years or so, then always coming back after a couple decades when the people...

Sign up for Buffalo State's new self-reset password program

Sign up for Buffalo State’s new self-reset password program

Record Staff March 17, 2019

If you've ever had to reset your Buffalo State password, you'll know it's a pain. Before, students had to contact the IT Help Desk to reset their passwords. Buffalo State recently integrated a new self-resetting...

Winter isn't over, yet. But it's okay. We have a few ideas for you.

Ideas on how to enjoy, or at least survive, the rest of winter

Johnathan Ciolek, Reporter March 17, 2019

As the spring semester commenced, students sat in eerie dorm rooms as weather dominated the outdoors. Looking out the frost-covered windows, gloom and depression filled the hearts of many, for there...

Zach Grimm in his studio in Williamsville

The art of tattooing

Bethany Clancy, Culture Editor March 17, 2019

When driving down Main Street in Williamsville, we see a plethora of businesses big and small, Squeeze Juicery,  Spot Coffee, Time and Time Jewelry-- just to name a few. But tucked above the Yoga by Design...

USG encouraging students to vote ‘mandatory'

USG encouraging students to vote ‘mandatory’

Record Staff March 12, 2019

As part of the United Students Government (USG) elections this year, undergraduate SUNY Buffalo State students will vote on the biennial referendum of whether or not the student activity fee should remain...

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