Make the most of college: Get involved

As we begin a new school year, a welcoming goes out to both incoming and returning students.

Each enrolled individual adds to the diversity of our school and makes it the place that it is. We all have talents, some of which may be awaiting discovery, that allow for our specialization in and out of the classroom.

The best way to utilize these talents and grasp the full college experience is to join an organization.

Always in search for new members, student organizations are not exclusive and offer opportunities for students of all shapes and sizes to branch out and explore new horizons.

Looking into campus organizations may feel intimidating, but it doesn’t have to be. If you decide that an organization isn’t quite your speed, well, at least you tried. And you can always try and try again.

On a campus the size of ours, it can take some time to find a niche.

Being involved allows for interaction on a more personal level. It’s not always easy meeting new people when you don’t know anyone, and everybody has their own agenda. Joining an organization is a way to find likeminded people, as students are typically dedicated and actively choose to be a part of them.

While this is not necessarily an ad for The Record, we are certainly searching for students to join our team. You don’t have to be a journalism, writing or even communication major to come aboard, but you should be an ambitious individual interested in exploring the campus and meeting new people.

The ideal demographic of our staff is one that is a direct representation of the student body. We want to know what matters most to you and to give you the opportunity to inform people about what’s going on in the campus community — your community.

Sometimes being an org member can yield unexpected benefits. Depending on your choice, your organization may help you gain experience in your field. It may also become an outlet where you are free to explore areas your classes do not touch upon. And when it comes to employment, it will help distinguish you from the rest.

The best way to browse through the entire list of organizations is on Bengal Connect ( There are currently 68 organizations recognized by USG.

It is likely that college will include some of the most challenging experiences you’ll encounter, but also some of the most memorable. Joining a student organization will only increase that likelihood for the better.

The Record’s door is open to newcomers throughout the semester and will offer two general interest meetings during Bengal Pause (12:15 p.m.) on Aug. 29 and Sept. 3 for students to gauge their interest.

Allow us to be among the first to welcome you to Buffalo State!