New season of “American Horror Story” distasteful, sexist

When I found out “American Horror Story” was starting its third season, I was pumped. I’ve been in love with the show from Day One. It’s one of my all-time favorites.
So I was more than a little disappointed at what I saw in the first episode of “Coven.” In less than an hour, series creators Ryan Murphy and Brad Falchuk managed to convince me that not only were they completely oblivious to women’s issues, but that they apparently believe women are some mysterious species alien to men.
This season’s story follows a group of witches in New Orleans. Despite witches in Western culture traditionally representing the clever, independent, and therefore evil woman in fairytales and folklore, modern media has managed to turn that trope on its head.
Back in the ‘60s, “Bewitched” turned witches into lovable tricksters, and also introduced male witches. In the ‘90s, “Charmed” basically made witches into feminist superheroes who used their powers to protect the world.
Now, in 2013, Coven brings us a sort of mixed bag. We’re back to a strict “x-chromosomes only “ policy, but at least the witches aren’t evil hags. Well, at least not all of them are.
So what sorts of superpowers do Coven’s witches have? Our main cast has a telekinetic, a clairvoyant, a “human voodoo doll,” and… a vagina that kills people.
Which brings us to our first problem. Our main character Zoe’s power is that when she has sex with someone, they have brain aneurysms. Ignoring the fact that this makes absolutely no sense in any context, what the show has done here is basically weaponized sex.
Some of you might be familiar with the old myth of “vagina dentata,” found in various cultures across the globe. In the story, a woman has a toothed vagina, which she usually tries to use to dismember the male hero of the story. In most cases the hero manages to “de-tooth” her lady parts, with his own bits still intact.
This wonderful story showcasing the unmitigated horrors of the vagina – run away while you still can, men – is used in Coven with no remorse. Zoe’s sex is her superpower. Some may call this feminist empowerment, in that Zoe is always in control of her body, and can never be taken advantage of sexually.
It’s really not empowering at all. Instead, it reinforces an age-old fear of female sexuality. It turns Zoe’s female-ness into a curse. It transforms sex from an enjoyable act into something horrific, and blames it on the woman.
While we’re on the subject of sex, let’s move on to problem number two. This is an issue that American Horror Story has had with every season thus far, and it keeps getting worse. The issue is rape, and Coven continues the series’ tradition of trivializing rape to create cheap drama.
I’m not saying television should never talk about rape. It’s a serious issue in our society, and it should be discussed. But it needs to be covered with dignity and respect, and American Horror Story has proven itself incapable of either.
In Coven, we’re introduced to Madison, a witch in both the figurative and literal senses. She’s mean, she’s selfish and she’s got a bad attitude. She’s very unlikeable. Ten minutes after her introduction, she’s gang-raped.
Suddenly, she’s sympathetic. She gets her revenge on the boys who hurt her, and then she basically forgets the incident. The only indication we have that this traumatic event even affected her is two seconds of her crying in the bathtub during the final scene of the episode.
There’s distasteful, and then there’s downright disrespectful.
Given that its cast is almost entirely female, it’s amazing that American Horror Story: Coven manages to be so unfriendly to women. I really do enjoy this show, and I want to love it. But until Murphy and Falchuk realize that there are some lines they just shouldn’t cross, American Horror Story will just be one more show that could have been great.
Email: [email protected].
Aaron Shotwell • Jul 17, 2024 at 7:15 pm
American Horror Story has been open about its hatred of men since the very first season. I don’t care to hear it.
wi • Jul 23, 2015 at 5:50 pm
The hospital scene where zoe rapes the comatose frat boy to death is pure promotion of rape culture. If a male hero were to rape a comatose female villain to death there would be tires burning in the streets. How disturbing that some women who call themselves femenists have failed to call this scene for what it is.There are lines you do not cross and by having your protagonist rape a comatose victim to death you are encouraging the audience to root for a rape and the rapist. Some women consider progress for feminism to being able to act as depraved as a man. How tragic.
Mellie • Jun 28, 2014 at 10:11 pm
Forgive me but are you really that surprised? If the anti-choice sentiment displayed in the story of the original owner (Franken Doctor) and then how they made the women who Dylan McDermott’s character cheated with out to be the “bad guy” in season 1. If that didn’t hit you over the head with how anti-woman these writers are, I’m frankly surprised you were able to notice now.
Frankly I am shocked how many women like this show. How they could be oblivious to the anti-women sentiment through out the entire series is beyond me.
Eduardo • Oct 17, 2013 at 10:24 am
Hi Autumn – I couldn’t agree with you more – I didn’t see the show (I’m a horror show wimp), but my wife started telling me about the show – she explained the basic story and right around the part where she said “yeah, she kills people by having sex”, I said “well, that’s a pretty crappy power”. Then I really started thinking about it – the only way that the character can really have a negative impact on anyone is to demean herself by being forced to have sex to then be able to inflict her wrath – a sort of implied cosmic rape by her own unfortunate powers. I asked if using a condom made any difference – my wife said neither had a condom, the guy was sort of unconscious – he’s what??!! So that’s justice on some level? As an art major, I was introduced to the ‘vagina dentata’ in the frame of the use of the concept in art history, but this seems quite different. In my opinion, the character isn’t a succubus, the character is being forced to have sex as her only means of attack – the writers have weakened the character to a point where she must give up her dignity to use a magic power – what a distasteful way to start a new season – thank goodness I don’t watch the show – but who needs to watch when the premise is so basic and demeaning?