Caribbean Students Organization sells out 730 tickets to Caribash within 24 hours

Olimpcia Desamour/The Record

A crowd gathers at the Caribbean Students Organization’s annual Caribash

Olimpcia Desamour, Reporter

The Caribbean Students Organization has accomplished quite a lot. Right now they are currently the talk of the town, as they were creating some major buzz on campus this past week.

This past week was all about involving students into their organization and promoting diversity and Caribbean cultural heritage. This organization had been hosting many events throughout the week, but the most anticipated event thus far was their annual Caribash.

The event doubles as a party and a concert. 730 tickets were sold out within 24 hours of being posted. In my opinion this was one for the books; it was monumental and will be talked about for days to come.

The featuring artist was Aidonia, and for those who don’t know, he is a dancehall artist and he is a legend. He has been around for a few decades and his songs are known worldwide.

What made this particular Caribash so special is because most Caribbean artists are from other countries and it is rare that they perform in the US, but Aidonia was able to get his visa and come and perform for us.

The social hall was filled to the brim with eager students waiting to get a chance to see him perform, even though I was at the event simply to cover as a reporter, the energy the student’s gave off was infectious and it gave me a boost of energy. I can honestly say CSO pulled off a successful event and it was truly inspiring.


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