Weather doesn’t wash away festivalgoers at Music Is Art

Avery Edwards/The Record

An artist at the 13th annual Music is Art Festival busily paints away on his canvas. The festival featured over 100 bands and artists, six live DJs, and much more. The festival ended with a perfomance by the Goo Goo Dolls.

Joe Morganti, Reporter

On September 13, the 13th annual Music is Art Festival was held at Delaware Park. Despite the bad weather, the Music is Art festival was still a go. Presenting over 100 bands, 100 artists, 6 live DJs, spoken word stages, live art, and buskers, the Music is Art Festival capped off with a performance by the Goo Goo Dolls.

However, this year was a little different. Edgefest, which is held at the Buffalo Outer Harbor, was booked on the same day as the Music is Art Festival. Because of this, bassist Robby Takac decided to have his band (Goo Goo Dolls) play the Music is Art festival in order to gain a larger attendance. He was spotted walking around throughout this year’s festival.

The Music is Art Festival was founded in 2003 by Takac. Takac, who was born and raised in Buffalo, had a vision to enrich Buffalo’s music scene with an annual festival to represent the local music and art scene.

When asked about how this year’s festival turned out, Darren McCormick, a local promoter who books shows throughout the area, responded:

“It was good. The Goo Goo Dolls helped gain a larger attendance. However, the people in charge should’ve done a better job with the rain. They should’ve prepared for this and got more tents set up. Especially on every stage.”

According to Anita West from 97 Rock, hardly any of the bands dropped out of the festival despite the weather. Musicians and artists who weren’t performing were either promoting their band or themselves. As the festival progressed, the weather got worse, which resulted in power outings throughout different areas of the festival. Stages and performers were covered in rain.

However, the promoting and performing still went on. From dubstep tents to metal bands performing, it all represented what the festival stood for: that music is art.

Although all of the performers performed, many of them were cut off early later in the night due to the sound crew of each stage wanting to leave early. Many of the performers seemed agitated as they waited in the rain for hours only to find out their sets were cut in half.

Some bands decided to set their own tents up just so they could play their own acoustic show. McCormick was asked about what he would do differently for the festival.

“Honestly I think that they shouldn’t have all of the stages so far apart,” McCormick said. “They should have the stages closer together so that more people can watch each band. Nobody is going to watch a local band unless they actually hear them and like them, so how are they going to hear them when everything is so far apart?”

After all of the performances from artists and bands finished, the Goo Goo Dolls finally performed. Almost everyone from the park quickly went over to watch them on the main stage. It rained throughout the whole performance, but it didn’t stop the festival goers from leaving.

The rain caused a lot of power issues throughout the night, but because of Buffalonians’ love for music, the festival still went on. Each performer received a decent crowd, each food truck had massive amounts of lines, and most importantly, the festival seemed to be a success for what it stands for: a festival to give back to Buffalo and show Buffalonians’ love for music and art.