Going the distance

Emily Niman, Reporter

The year is 1970. Many soon to be college freshmen are attending universities far away from their home towns and far from their significant others. During this time period, the words “going away to college” and “breaking up” were practically synonymous. This was due to the fact that technology was primitive. Technology that we take for granted today did not exist.

Once someone went away to college, the only way to communicate with their significant other was by writing letters and making very expensive phone calls. Long distance relationships were hard to maintain and the ones that actually lasted, were the exception, not the rule.

Fast forward to present day, out of all the college students currently in relationships, many are in long distance relationships. This is due to the fact that technological advancements make maintaining a long distance relationship a viable option. Whereas in the 1970’s college students only had letters and the occasional phone call, today’s college students have texting, social media, Skype, FaceTime and unlimited phone calls.

All of this technology allows students to have working, successful long distance relationships. I believe that long distance relationships can and will last. I am currently in a relationship with someone who is 700 miles away, and I want to give hope to the many students on campus who are also involved with someone far away.

Long distance relationships have a misunderstood negative stigma. If more people truly understood them they would have the awesome reputation they deserve. In plain terms long distance relationships are rewarding. Yes, you do get lonely, yes you do miss your significant other, but you also save money, have more time for yourself, have better communication, and have more cherished time together.

Not only can a long distance relationship in college be successful, it can in many ways be more successful than close proximity relationships or “Normal relationships.” An article published in the Journal Of Communication entitled: “Absence Makes the Communication Grow Fonder: Geographic Separation, Interpersonal Media, and Intimacy in Dating Relationships”, found that long distance couples were apt to feel closer and have more trust, in turn feeling emotionally closer to their partners and even sharing more with their partners than they would have in close proximity relationships.

My favorite part about long distance relationships is how much time I have to do my own things. Rather than having to worry about going on dates and spending precious time and money on my significant other, I can simply use FaceTime when I have spare time. And when the day comes and I finally get to see my significant other, it is rewarding knowing how hard we both had to work to get to this day.

Distance allows each person to be their own person. All in all, the healthiest relationships involve each person maintaining separate lives.

A quote from Francis Davison, “Absence makes the heart grow fonder,” best sums up long distance relationships. When it really comes down to it, the time spent missing your significant other and the time spent connecting with them in other ways makes your relationship and love grow stronger.

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