Buffalo Bubble Soccer bounces its way to Buff State
February 12, 2015
Imagine being enclosed in a tight space that reeks of sweat and plastic, not being able to see or hear much of anything around you and still trying to kick around a ball with your feet, which is your only body part free, and that’s what bubble soccer is like.
Bubble soccer is like regular soccer, except you’re in a bubble and if you’re a two on the aggressive scale then your objective is to stay away from the soccer ball or risk being shoved to the ground, or in this case bounced.
Walking into the gymnasium to see a room full of athletic guys and being the only female was intimidating, but after awhile more females arrived and it evened out.
For athletic individuals, or those who are more aggressive, this sport is perfect and it’s those students that Kristen Catalano, assistant director for Greek life and student activities, knew would sign up for the Buffalo Bubble Soccer event.
Catalano got the idea of bringing the event to SUNY Buffalo State after a friend sent her a video on European Bubble Soccer. After she watched the video she knew she wanted to get the event on campus for students to try.
Catalano first contacted Buffalo Bubble Soccer and asked them if they’d be interested in coming to Buffalo State, and they were all for it.
“They really wanted to get involved with college students and offer an opportunity for them to try something new and fresh,” Catalano said.
Catalano then asked her students if they’d participate in bubble soccer like this and her students said they would.
“They all had such great enthusiasm about jumping in and having something like this on campus,” Catalano said.
Catalano invited Buffalo Bubble Soccer to the Carnival of clubs on Feb. 6 in the Houston Gym. During this event the students were able to see the bubbles they’d be in if they chose to play and also get more information on the sport and what in entails.
“I don’t think people knew what it was,” Catalano said. “Then when they saw the bubbles on Friday they were surprised and thought it was awesome.”
So after several semesters of planning, Catalano succeeded in bringing the event to SUNY Buffalo State on Feb. 9 in the Houston Gym. The event was free and all that was needed were signatures from students and a signed waiver just incase anything were to happen. If students become too rough on the field then they’ll receive a penalty, and after two penalties they are kicked out of them game, a referee said before the game began. The referee also said that during the game you will get knocked down at some point, and everyone did. Just watching the game you could see several students being tossed around the gym, after being knocked into by a player who was trying to secure the ball.
Still there’s something about this unique sport that gets students excited and willing to try out.
“We’ve had an overwhelming response,” Catalano said. “It was slow going at first, but as people were starting to Instagram and Facebook some of their pictures I think people were shocked and decided to show up.”
Even behind Catalano you could see a line of about 20 students waiting for their turn to participate in the event.
“Lots of people have come out sweaty and thrilled and are asking, ‘When are we doing this again?’” Catalano said.
Catalano didn’t participate in the event this time around, and said she wanted to leave it to the students. She also said she plans on bringing this event back to the college as soon as possible.