On Sept. 10, students gathered in the Student Union Building for the Study Away Fair. Representatives for Buffalo State and the greater SUNY network showcased study abroad opportunities and internships available for students.
Sponsored by the Buffalo State Student Leadership & Engagement office, the Study Away fair was established to inform Buffalo State students about the opportunities available to them to take their studies abroad. Dr. Maguire was working with the Engagement Office; she explained what these programs offer.
“So, the great thing about study abroad at SUNY is that Buffalo State or SUNY students can go on any SUNY program,” she said. “You stay registered at Buffalo State, you can use your financial aid to travel abroad. At Buffalo State, we have seven exchanges. So, if it’s an exchange that means you pay your Buffalo State tuition and then you pay your housing together with your university. There’s no additional program cost so, it’s an amazing program.”
One of the Buff State programs displaying their services was the International Professional Development Schools Consortium.
“We are internationally based programs for teacher candidates or professionals wanting to work with children. During these programs you take a class, then the following semester you travel. It only lasts two to three weeks but in that time you are doing excursions like safaris to teaching in a classroom in Germany. During that time you are not only going as a visitor but as a learner as well, learning the culture and volunteering different qualities as you go.”

Another organization in attendance was the Anne Frank Project.
“We do a bunch of things. Right now, we are doing study abroad, so we get to travel to Rwanda for about two weeks and learn from their forgiveness and reconciliation process. We also host this annual social justice festival where we invite artists and activists to share their stories in hopes to inspire you all.”

Other colleges in the SUNY network also attended the event to showcase their study abroad opportunities that Buffalo State students can benefit from, including the Auckland University of Technology, who had Study Abroad Manager Brett Armstrong present their offerings.
“We are Auckland University of Technology based in New Zealand,” he said.
“We are a member of the Oswego Network, so they’ve invited us here to talk to students. Our job is to put New Zealand on the map, make it easy for students to have a semester there, match their credits, and expand their horizons.” Students who follow through with AUT are able to choose subjects such as Design & Creative Technologies; Business, Economics, & Law; and Health & Environmental Sciences.”

SUNY Oswego was also in attendance, with Associate Director Program Coordinator Lizette Alvarado advertising Oswego’s internship opportunities abroad as well as educational.
“I coordinate programs to Latin America,” she said.
“We offer programs in Latin America, in Asia, and Australia. Any major is able to apply to these programs. We also offer internship programs where students can for either a summer or a semester, and they can do either a 3 credit or a 6 credit internship. Its a good way for students to get some work experience that could aid them for their future career.”

SUNY Cortland was also in attendance. Study Abroad program Assistant Director Hugh Anderson showcased how the program could benefit Buffalo State students.
“We have about 45 different study abroad programs that we do,” he said. “We do semester, summer, winter. Some of our most notable locations include China, Costa Rica, Romania, and the United Kingdom. So you can study and receive credit that will count here at Buffalo State. They can go towards major, minor requirements, also just general electives. There’s a lot of scholarships that are available, and financial aid can also be used as long as you’re taking courses for your major, or you’re taking elective credits.”

Overall, the Study Away Fair allowed students to learn of the plethora of study opportunities available to them, whether it is short-term internships or full semester exchanges. Buffalo State students can learn more about the programs available on the Buff State Study Away website.