United Students’ Government’s offices to move to basement of Student Union

Daniel May, Sports Editor

In a year of unprecedented change, it is only natural that more changes keep occurring. However, please don’t worry, as this change isn’t as stressful as others.

In an effort to reconfigure the Campbell Student Union, the United Students’ Government (USG) will be relocating their offices to the basement of the Student Union.

This move coincides with the grand opening of the Student Organization Resource Center in the old USG Game Room. With the closing of the game room in the Spring of 2020, administration at Buffalo State saw this as a perfect opportunity to give USG and the student organizations their own wing of the Student Union.

Luke Haumesser, Associate Director for Student Leadership and Engagement, commented on the ongoing move, saying, “This new space will allow for more student organizations to have office space and access to resources on campus. Additionally, USG was moved to their new location to be closer in proximity to the student organizations and be more accessible to the general student population. We are excited to see what USG does with their new space and how they utilize moving forward for a more engaging student experience.”

However, USG’s old offices have no plans of remaining empty. Haumesser added that the fourth floor will have new life very soon.

“The fourth floor of the Campbell Student Union is now the home of various services including Student Leadership and Engagement, Anne Frank Project, Roar to Success Program, Veteran’s and Military Services, Milligan’s Food Pantry and the Prayer and Meditation space,” Haumesser said.

Needless to say, no space goes to waste at the great Buffalo State.

If you have any questions regarding the current move or any ongoing campus events, please feel free to reach out to [email protected].