E.H. Butler Library to undergo several renovations
September 6, 2018
E.H. Butler Library has relocated many of its services while the building undergoes renovation. The renovation process is estimated to be completed by January 2020.
The RITE Support Desk is now located in Bulger 200. The Writing Center is still in the library but is now on the third floor in room 310. Drop-in advising is now located in the Academic Advisement Center in South Wing 100.
Argo Tea has been closed during the renovation process. The library has added a new pop up Spot Coffee in its place.

The Outtakes Supervisor Kelly Shuder said that there’s always going to be a need for food and drink in the library and the Spot Coffee station can still provide that.
“This has been pretty successful, slowly but surely,” Shuder said.
Since the changes to the library were slowly discovered by students, Shuder mentioned how it took a couple days for students to find out where they were getting their coffee.

“Our first two days, we didn’t even sell a whole pot of coffee, but today we’ve had to refill a couple times,” Shuder said, “People are finding out about us.”
There is one less printing station in the library due to the renovations. Students can now only find public printing in the two computer labs on the library’s first floor.
The renovations are in service of a new and improved academic commons.
“There will also be a limited number of computer workstations available in the library during construction,” said Katie Bertel, the Outreach and Engagement Librarian in a blog post on E. H. Butler Library website.

“If you have trouble finding an open computer, ask about our new two-hour laptop loans at the circulation desk, or consider using our Equipment Loan reservation form to reserve a laptop or tablet of your choice,” Bertel said.
Bertel also explained how resources will move around campus later in the year.
“Starting the week of May 21 and continuing through mid-June, the following service points are scheduled to move in stages:
- Advising Center – from Butler 147 to South Wing 100
- Circulation Services – from Butler 103 to Butler 200
- Professional Development Center – from Butler 181B to Chase Hall 109
- RITE Support Desk – from Butler 147 to Bulger 200 and 204
- Technical Services – from Butler 150 and 155 to Butler 210
- Writing Center – from Butler 157B to Butler 310,” Bertel said.

Samantha Wulff, the Marketing Manager at Chartwells Dining explained what to expect without Argo Tea’s presence in the library.
“We have had to close Argo Tea due to Library Renovation Project construction,” Wulff said. “Through our partnership with both Buffalo State and Argo Tea, we are still in talks to determine when Argo Tea may be able to serve Buffalo State in the future. In having to close Argo, we realized that there would be a void to fill within the library.”
Five students were approached to comment on the changes done to the library and all either said “No comment,” or couldn’t think of anything to say.
One student, however, did provide comment on the changes.
“It looks very nice,” said Tarique Hood, a sophomore NCIS major. Hood said that there should be attention given to the computers in the building and that the campus should be fine with only two printing stations.
“I think two printing areas will be fine, we’re a small school,” Hood said, “They should put more computers in the quiet quad, there’s some empty space in there.”
Tim Gordon, the Vice President of Student Affairs said that the renovations are “part of a campus investment.”
“We want the space currently under renovation to become an academic and learning commons,” Gordon said, “We estimate it might take a little over a year.”
Gordon said that students can expect Argo tea to return after the renovations are complete. He also stated that communication is crucial in this time of transition and change and that every student should be able to find the services they need. He stated that the library has been working hard in order to provide signs and directories to aid students.

“We have been working to make sure that students are well informed about these changes and that they can find support when they need it,” Gordon said, “We’ve been communicating with the campus and guiding it through these changes”
When asked how these new academic commons would differ from what was already in the now empty space, Gordon said that they’re trying to make more efficient use of space.
“We want to create a one-stop shop. All academic services in one location. A space updated for the contemporary needs of the campus,” Gordon proclaimed.
Construction and renovation is no stranger to the SUNY Buffalo State campus. We can all look forward to new and improved library come 2020.