Students respond to the recent armed robbery in Cassety Hall

Photo by Yomira Meregildo

Dylan Sleight, Reporter

A SUNY Buffalo State student was robbed early in the evening of Thursday April 19, according to the University Police Department..Around 6:40 p.m. an unnamed student was reportedly robbed by two armed men in his dorm room at Cassety Hall.

The two men broke into the residence hall and knocked on the victims’ door, upon opening, they forced entry into the room, police said.

The two suspects were reported to have been carrying a silver hand gun and took some of the victims’ cellphones and a small amount of cash, after which they left the building. The suspects were described as two black men, between 5’8” and 5’10”, in black hoodies; one was noted to be have a black duffle bag.

University Police arrested one male, a non-student, 21, suspected of committing the crime.

Students around campus commented on the incident. Gabrielle Kime, 21, a resident-student at Buffalo State said she was concerned upon hearing about the robbery, but not surprised.

“I definitely think these things just happen around Buffalo, but it was still startling,” Kime said.

Kime said she hopes Residence Life Office at Buffalo State would consider taking further step to ensure residence halls were monitored throughout the day.

“Campus Safety can’t do it all. And when it’s the middle of the day, and there’s no RA’s at the doors, really anyone can come in and out if they wanted to.”

Other students were surprised by the robbery. David Szafranski, 23, says he was never concerned about being robbed on campus.

“I was surprised by it,” said Szafrankski, “I feel like generally this more of, like a good community. Maybe people needing to be more aware of situations. I mean when people knock at your door you don’t like automatically open it for anyone.”

Szafrankski still says he’s still confident in the community, and Buffalo State’s Campus Safety.

“I wouldn’t be too worried about it for the college,” said Szafrankski.

“It seems more of like people knowing people… it doesn’t seem like someone is just going in and trying to rob people. More negligence due to the faculty, because if they (the suspects) weren’t going to school here, how are they getting access to the building?”

There were no reported injuries during the break in.

University Police remind students, and faculty to be aware of their surroundings at all times. Additionally, Police remind resident student’s not to admit anyone except their own permitted guests into residence halls, and to no to leave doors to residence halls ajar or open. Anyone with information regarding the burglary is encourage to contact University Police at their anonymous tip line at 718-878-3166.