“Solitary” is three minutes of pure political punk
Single image for tardigrade.’s latest song, “Solitary”
April 3, 2017
For three minutes straight, Philadelphia based punk band tardigrade. delivers another political fueled single, “Solitary.” The new single released this past Friday drives home a strong point following Trump’s win as president.
The band’s last single, “Hypnopaedia,” garnered quite an impressive response for a debut, gaining over 1,500 plays across all platforms and the YouTube video for the song is set to reach the 1,000 views mark. It even received airplay on college radio stations internationally and appeared on several Spotify playlists, according to a press release.
In an interview via email, Luke Mills said, “This new song has one overarching theme that can be applied to several current events. The main idea is that it is an anti-anti-immigration song, if you know what I mean. Basically, it’s calling out people who hate immigrants as racists. It also goes on to claim that these racist attitudes come from an insecurity that the people inherently have…I wanted to make a song that outlined all my frustrations with people who claim that immigrants are ruining the country. What these people don’t understand is that our country was built by immigrants and in many ways the immigrant population supports the weight of everyone else. Our way of life would not exist without them so; it is groundless to claim that they are the source of all of our problems.”
When asked about the title’s meaning, Mills continues, “The title, ‘Solitary,’ comes from the idea that, by banning immigration, we are closing ourselves off from the world. As I put it in the song, “seal the coffin you’re left to rot in.’”
Mills’ carries his point in this Touché Amoré inspired track, singing, “You funnel that hate/ That spills with your blood/ To your so-called lesser/ To improve your self-worth/ But the truth is/ You’re sad and you’re small/ So you’re taking it out/ On those who feed us all.” Once again, another powerful song for a band that’s so young.
The new song is available now on platforms such as Spotify, Apple Music, iTunes, Bandcamp, and Amazon Music, as well as through Darth Fader Records’ YouTube channel. Links to the song can be found below.
Bandcamp: https://tardigradepunk.bandcamp.com/track/solitary
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/solitary-single/id1217957533
email: [email protected]