Q&A with Buffalo State alumnus Bryon brown your mayor

April 1, 2017
Just about every politician today has a social media account, but many elected officials have a hard time engaging with their online followers and coming off as authentic. For too many leaders, a Twitter account is just another platform for their staff to publish a press release.
Most don’t run their own accounts–they leave it to staffers, who post polished, generic messages to constituents. Efforts to engage on a more personal level often feel forced and don’t translate well to social media audiences, which tend to skew younger. Many have observed that Donald Trump’s successful presidential campaign owed much of its success to his ability to connect with people through Twitter in a relatable way. His no-holds-barred, opinionated and sometimes crude takes on the news of the day was a breath of fresh air to voters tired of the usual lawyerly speak of politicians — talking but saying nothing.
Enter Buffalo’s Bryon brown your mayor.
Long before the President of the United States was tweeting “Yes, Arnold Schwarzenegger did a really bad job as Governor of California and even worse on the Apprentice,” the mayor of Buffalo was posting his favorite breakfast choices on Facebook.
Mayor Brown first entered the social media scene when running for re-election in 2013. In fact, his first Facebook post wasn’t until the day before the election.
Late to the game, perhaps, but his efforts paid off. His post had gotten more than 7 likes within hours, his fan page more than 20.
His last-minute strategy worked. Mayor Brown easily won re-election, and went back to Facebook to extend genuine, heartfelt gratitude.
After the campaign, Mayor Brown’s online presence didn’t fade. Rather than handing his account over to aides, he kept his words in his hands — presenting an unedited view of the world in a take it or leave it style. Instead of putting out typical photos of ribbon cuttings and carefully-stitched platitudes, he uses Facebook as a diary to paint the world as he saw it. In just weeks, he was picking up the ins and outs of the online platform like a pro, learning new tricks by the day.
And that’s why the mayor of Buffalo is resonating with a whole new generation of voters. Today, Mayor Brown’s Facebook page has over 1,000 likes and a loyal following. His fans love his honesty and willingness to say what’s on his mind. They admire an elected official who is not afraid to come off unpolished and doesn’t use spell check. His messages are often uplifting and inspirational, reminding others and himself to look on the bright side of life.
One of the things Mayor Brown’s fans admire about him is his willingness to say things that aren’t politically or grammatically correct.
Two years after joining Facebook, Mayor Brown finally dove into the world of Twitter. His profile there was not as much of a success.
wow verry Rude i nvr did ne thing 2 u @NICKinBUFFALO ;-{
— Bryon brown ur mayor (@bryonurmayor) November 4, 2015
, i hope i Stille have ur vote
bb ur m pic.twitter.com/ni1fSbNvKg
The Record contacted Mayor Brown via Facebook to ask him some questions about life as the mayor.
The Record: Hey Mister Mayor! Thanks for taking the time.
Bb ur m: it is my pleaseure :^>
R: Sure thing, Byron. So, we were just hoping to do a quick Q&A to catch up with one of the most successful Buffalo State alums. Sound good?
Bb ur m: ya. that was my favorite school i went to in buffallo. the food was so good
R: Uh, sure. Kind of. So, did you dream of being the mayor growing up?
Bb ur m: yes i have all ways wanted to b the mayor sense i was little. in middle Schoole and hi schoole and buff state i ran 4 student mayor and won
R: What made you want to be the mayor?
Bb ur m: the first time I new I wanted 2 b mayor was wen i red the book ill’ teach my Dog 100 wordes ,, wen he is vandalizing uncle abners under ware…. but the vandle still takes care not 2 paint the mayor. i thout wow if a vandle cares about mayor every 1 must care a bout the mayor and i just wanted ppl 2 care a bout me things wernt’ good at home
R: What’s the best part of being mayor?
Bb ur m: the best part of being mayor is definitly all the cool celebs i get 2 meet ,, and sum times b a celeb myself i have met big birde Daniel trump and more
R: What kind of music do you like to listen to?
Bb ur m: it depends on my mood really in the morneing I like to get my day started with a little r &b so dream street nsink stuff like that
if i am in a bad mood i like to listen to hard rock like AB CD or jean simmins
R: If you could ask God one thing, what would it be?
Bb ur m: i wood ask 4 too questians and then my second questian wood b wat r those red sqiggley lines under sum wordes wen u type them
R: What’s the worst part of being mayor?
Bb ur m: sometimes ppl thinke its’ ok just becase im famouse to say rude things to me that are Un true like that im a bad mayor and stuff like that. but i no at the end of the day i am the best mayor in bufallo but ppl still need 2 under stand im a human and i have feeleings that can get hurt like n e 1 else
R: What’s your take on Buffalo Comptroller Mark Schroeder gearing up to challenge you in the September Democratic primary?
Bb ur m: i dont’ really get in 2 politics
R: This is really the mayor, right?
Bb ur m: ya Y does every1 ask me that ,,,
R: Do you have any advice for young people who want to be mayor some day?
Bb ur m: well i wood say u cant’ bcuz im’ all ready mayor but u can b allmost any thing u want if u put ur hard worke and time too it
R: Mayor Brown, thank you so much for talking to us.
Bb ur m: U bet please always vote
email: [email protected]