Drop-in Advising Center is here to help students
The Drop-in Advising Center is located in the back of the E.H. Butler Library info desk.
September 13, 2016
Do you often have questions about what classes you should take and just can’t seem to get to your adviser? Do have difficulties using Blackboard or Banner? Well, if one or both of your answers are “Yes,” then the Drop-in Advising Center is the place where you can get your assistance.
The Drop-in Advising Center is located in the back of the information center in the E.H. Butler Library. The Drop-in was made for students who have quick questions pertaining to their schedule, leave of absence, how to do pass/fail for classes, deadlines throughout the semester and withdrawals.
The Drop-in Advising Center is available Monday through Thursday from 10 a.m. through 8 p.m., and on Friday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. When you arrive, there will be a sign in sheet so you can get to an adviser immediately.
If students cannot get to their advisers, this is the next best place for them. The Drop-in advisers are even available during evening hours when Buffalo State’s department advisers are not. Advisers are also encouraged to send students to the Drop-in Advising Center when they have quick questions.
“They helped me with registration since I was admitted to the school late last week,” junior transfer student Larniece Whitehead said. “I was sent here because my adviser in the English department was not there. I was not able to register for upper division classes, so she [a Drop-in adviser] helped me understand why I could not.
“I learned how to use Banner, where to find my professor, and she gave me good advice. I was under great relief to navigate through the system.”
“I just saw a big sign that caught my attention, and did not know what it was for, but this is good for new advisement,” stated sophomore Samantha Williams.
The Drop-in Advising Center plans on expanding their staff at key points as the academic school year progresses, such as during drop out and registration deadlines. More staff will be essential for them even though they managed to help over a 100 students in the first week.
“We are here for students who want to know what courses go to their major, or for students who do not have a major and what to know what classes are suitable for them,” explained Aimee Waznick, director of the Academic Achievement Center and adviser. “We are especially here for nervous students, so we can help them navigate through the semester.”
In 2018, the Drop-in Advising Center expects its section of the library to be renovated into an Academic Achievement Center. This will allow more academic support by getting tutors including group and peer tutoring. More advising will be available, as well as a useful disability resources.
“This will lead to more involvement between departments and programs like EOP,” said Adviser Elizabeth Stevens. “This will be a place for all the answers students need instead of going to multiple places.”
The Drop-in Advising Center has been used as “human tutorial for students.” New students can learn how to properly use school websites like Banner and Blackboard. The advisers understand how frustrating it can be for new or transfer students, so instead of handing students a handout with instructions on it, they take their time and guide the student on how to maneuver through the websites.
“While sitting here, I usually have to direct students towards the Drop-in advising,” said Reference Librarian Leah Galka.
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