USG considers increase in student activity fee in the fall
students voting on campus
March 9, 2016
SUNY Buffalo State’s United Students Government has been talking about an increased student activity fee.
The activity fee, as most Buffalo State students know, goes toward funding events, clubs, and other quality of life student activities. The fee also helps fund the very popular “Springfest,” event at the end of the semester.
USG, as well as the many other clubs on campus, are not necessarily controlled by Buffalo State. Instead, USG and the clubs work together as separate entities. According to USG President Derek Jorden, everything is run like a corporation. In order for things to get done, money is needed. The money USG uses comes from the student activity fee.
The fee increase was proposed by the current treasurer, Diaisha Richards. Richards recognizes that clubs wish to do more for their students. She also recognizes that, by the summer, USG is struggling to make their own ends meet.
“Enrollment is constantly decreasing and it is affecting us negatively,” Richards said.
USG Executive Vice President Emily Leminger agrees with Richards. Enrollment, according to Richards and Leminger, has been decreasing significantly despite the fact that most freshman dorms have been filled up to capacity.
“Cost increases over the years and enrollment goes down,” Leminger said. “It causes a lack in available funds.”
Funds aside, Jorden hopes that the increase will not only help USG cover their own expenses, but also hopes that it will help increase the quality of life activities that happen around campus.
“We should not only have great parties and fashion shows,” Jorden said. “But we should also be hosting the next huge speaker series with the biggest celebrities in the business.”
Jorden hopes that with the increase of the student activity fee, students may also be able to enjoy a fall concert as well.
“There are many reasons,” Jorden said. “But it is just so that we can have the best experience here at Buffalo State.”
Students can expect the increase, should it pass, to take effect in the fall of 2016. While the numbers are still being sorted out by Richards and the budget committee, USG must comply with SUNY guidelines for the possible increase and expects that the increase in the student activity fee to not exceed $100.
“I think it is important to point out that we are the cheapest student activity fee in SUNY and we are proud of it,” Leminger said.
Of course, USG expects some student backlash and outcry against the increase, but in the long run, USG thinks that it will be good for the students and will help a lot of clubs and organizations.
While the budget committee continues to work on the possible student activity fee increase, Leminger assures students that there is nothing to worry about.
“The budget is in good hands,” Leminger said. “The treasurer, budget committee, and business staff all play a vital role in helping to make sure students are heard and organizations get to set out their missions and goals.”
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