Letters to the Editor Policy
April 3, 2015
To submit letters to the editor for print in the next edition of The Record, please follow the guidelines below:
- Letters must be limited to 400 words.
- Letters must be emailed to [email protected] no later than 6 p.m. the Monday before desired publication. The Record cannot guarantee the letter’s publication if received past this deadline.
- Include your full name, phone number and email address. Student letters must include year and major. Faculty and staff should provide their department and position on campus.
The Record staff thanks you in advance for following these guidelines. The editors will always try to make room for relevant letters, and we appreciate your cooperation.
Dr. Aaron Corbet • May 22, 2015 at 5:23 pm
JUSTICE FOR 09/11/01?
For many years, Khalid Sheik Mohamed (KSM), of Al Queda, was held up as
the “mastermind” of the terrorist attack of September 11th, 2001. This was
on the basis of a “confession” extracted from him after years of torture in
Guantanamo and elsewhere.
Then, on 01/21/10, a military court dismissed all charges against KSM,
absolving Al Queda of any responsibility for this attack. This also reflected
the judgment of the Nine-Eleven Truth Community (NETC). This is a group
now numbering in the tens of thousands, confirmed patriots, and trained
professionals from several areas of expertise. They have persistently given
detailed explanation of how this event had to have been a false flag operation
engineered by rogue elements within our own government.
The prohibition against double jeopardy appears not to apply to noncitizens,
and extreme right-wing holdovers from the Bush 43 administration
managed to finagle a new military trial, this time to be held at Guantanamo,
and this time guaranteed to be held in secret.This, against the specific concerns
of the President, and the Attorney General.
Yet, none of this is discussed in ANY of the news media. Do Americans
no longer care about justice? Or is that simply the news media?