New Houston Gym now open to students and staff

Houston Gym was closed for renovations in fall of 2012. Construction was completed earlier this year in July. The new facilities include updated fitness rooms, weight rooms, locker rooms and classrooms, and a deeper pool designed for diving.
August 28, 2014
Although Houston Gymnasium may not look any different on the outside, there is a whole new sight to see once you walk through the glass doors of the building. Having opened to the public on July 24, the majority of current students have yet to see the new look.
Back in fall 2014, the renovation of the 54-year-old gymnasium began. This is the first time the building has been revamped since its opening in 1960.
“The reason this project was necessary was because of the age and condition of the building,” Director of Athletics Jerry Boyes said. “It was originally built in 1960 and in much need of renovation.”
According to the Assistant Director of Athletics Jeffrey Ventura, during the renovations, athletes had to make due with a makeshift replacement gym in Buckham Hall, where there was a training room, weight room, fitness center and small locker room. Coaches worked in small office cubicles with little space and no privacy.
“We knew what was at the end of the rainbow so we dealt with it for almost two full years, and the athletes recognized what they were sacrificing for progress,” Ventura said.
This project cost a total of $27 million. Clough Harbour & Associates were in charge of design and Turner Construction ran the actual construction phase.
There is now a much bigger fitness center that is now almost 2,000 square feet larger than the older one, open to all students. The gym is also more accessible, with an elevator replacing one of the four racquetball courts.
Small construction was also done to the six-lane pool. The pool, which was once 11 feet deep, is now 12 feet deep, required in order to have a diving section.
“We ended up adding a significant number of new features without expanding the square footage of the building,” Ventura said, adding that all of the athletic teams now have their own locker rooms year-round.
Areas such as the racquetball courts, varsity weight room, pool and gymnasium are still in the same spots.

The swimming pool now has a depth of 12 feet; deep enough to dive into.
Ventura believes that the new and improved building will have a hand in recruiting high school students to the school.
“We are on par or ahead of all of our competitors with our facilities; whether you are a student athlete or recreation user, the gymnasium and fitness center is as good or better than any of our sister institutions,” Ventura said.
Ventura believes that the nice sell about the building for the entire student body is the space now available not only for athletics, but recreation programs as well.
“The gym is now dividable with netting,” Ventura said. “That way recreation can be more than open basketball. If there is a need or desire for a group of students who want to play volleyball on a regular basis, we can put nets up in the gym, which we couldn’t do before.”
Ventura also said fitness classes can be offered now with the new dance studio/multipurpose room on the first floor, which can be used for yoga, kickboxing and more. There is also a new spinning room that can be used by athletes, students, facility and anyone who wants to participate in the fitness classes.
The classrooms, which have also stayed in the same spot, have been upgraded as well.
“They have been outfitted with new smart boards, chairs and desks,” Ventura said.
He also mentioned that the entire building is also now air conditioned as opposed to only a few rooms, which was how it had been before.
With the building updated and open to the public, current and incoming students can now visit the new facilities and learn more about what is available to them on campus.
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