USG talks end of the semester, discusses plans for the future of converged media organizations

The United Students Government discussed voter turnout for this year’s USG election, media organizations on campus converging, and the details for next month’s Foam Party during its weekly meeting, which took place in Bulger West on April 24.

Sarah Velez, Student Union director and newly-elected USG advisor, started the meeting by congratulating the winners of the 2014 Student Election. Velez said she wanted to comment on information previously published on this year’s election being the lowest voter turnout in years, excluding 2012 when votes were cast exclusively online.

“In actuality, for a non-referendum year, this was the highest voter turnout since 2010,” Velez said. “The elections did run very smoothly this year. There was only one grievance problem; it was very minor and it was resolved quickly by the Judicial Council.”

Next, Steven Cornelio, USG senator, updated members on future plans regarding Buffalo State’s communication organizations, The Record, BSC-TV and WBNY.

Cornelio attended a meeting earlier in the day between the organizations, where they disclosed future plans to create a converged, digital-first media platform called “Stripes Media,” which will combine The Record, BSC-TV and WBNY. The website would emphasize digital stories, podcasts and video and make it easier to update students and keep them posted on news and events.

“I know that a lot of students are having trouble with staying updated on what’s been going on, so this is going to be a perfect way of doing that,” Cornelio said.

Cornelio also encouraged his fellow USG members to apply for opening positions on the senate’s executive board. These positions included rules and regulations chair, secretary and vice treasurer.

“The new executive board has been really pushing for new changes so we really encourage those who want to step up,” Cornelio said.

Any undergrad interested in these positions will have to fill out a letter of intent before being considered.

“Students should definitely look into being a part of e-board next semester because it’s going to be popping,” Cornelio said with excitement.

Toward the end of the meeting, Noah Puukila, administrative vice president of student life, presented a short video on what he hopes this year’s foam party will be.

The foam party will take place from 9:30 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. on May 7 at the college’s ice rink. It’s a free event, provided by Student Life, and it’s for Buffalo State students only. There will be a limit of 600 students.

USG members raised concerns on the “beach themed” dress code for the event.

Puukila said that the event is beachwear themed because of the foam but that students don’t need to dress that way to attend.

“It’s fun to dance in and the foam is going to be everywhere and you might not get soaking wet but you might get a little wet,” Puukila said.

Puukila said that the dress code might be a problem, but that he hasn’t fully looked into it yet. He said that if it is a problem, a slight adjustment will be made, but the event will still stand.


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