Ride the Cyclone presented by Casting Hall Productions at the Donald Savage Flexible Theater locks in a sold out first night on March 13 at 7:30 pm.
The show received positive reviews, with particular praise for the cast.
“I thought Ride the Cyclone was amazing”, one viewer said, “They’re all so talented.”
“They all had distinct characters and it came together with a great story in the end,” another viewer expressed.
“That was fire. I cried like three times.” another viewer said.
Director Sabrina Kahwaty shared this sentiment about the cast’s performance.
“I couldn’t be prouder of these incredible students,” Kahwaty stated. “They have worked so hard to create this story over the past few months and it was really special to have a full audience and hear everyone’s reactions.”
The Ride the Cyclone actors appreciated that support and reactions from the audience.

“We had nice full house with a very attentive audience and they seemed to really enjoy the show,” Sayed Chowdhury as The Amazing Karnak stated.

Middle- Constance Blackwood (Arianna Morris)
Right- Jane Doe (Emily Cannon) (Casting Hall Productions)
“When the cast found out about it as a whole, I think it really emboldened us and empowered us to bring our best performances,” Arianna Morris as Constance Blackwood explained. “I saw sides of my castmates and their characters that they haven’t shown before.”

The Ride the Cyclone production will continue, with tickets available on March 15 at 1:00 pm and 7:30 pm as well as March 16 at 1:00 pm. Consider viewing this incredible performance!