*Positive* Sports Update!

*Positive* Sports Update!

Daniel May, Sports Editor

Congrats, folks! We have all officially made it to the half-way point of the 2020 fall semester.

These first six weeks have been uneventful, both inside and outside of the classroom. With all the Buffalo State student body working tirelessly via zoom and Blackboard, we all deserve a well-needed mental break.

And what’s the best mental break we can have?

An update on the Buffalo State sport teams! Sports have long been a positive distraction from the heavy college workload. So, stay tuned- we have some positive news coming your way.

Let’s start off with none other than the Men’s Basketball team. This year’s fall season was up in the air considering the Covid-19 pandemic

It has been announced to the public that the Men’s team has their first game scheduled for mid-January, and their first practice is coming up in November. All those that were interested in playing for the team attended a virtual meeting on September 16.

Running into the next topic of discussion is the Buffalo State Track & Field Team. They plan to push on and hold socially distanced tryouts on Monday, Oct. 26 from 11 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. on the Coyer Field Track.

All serious candidates for the team are welcome to tryout if they have an updated physical and have the correct medical forms. More information can be found at


If you are interested in trying out, reach out to Coach Nicole Mehlman-Davidow prior to tryouts to reserve a spot (mehlmanm@buffalostate.edu).

Skating into the final team discussed, the Buffalo State’s Woman Hockey Team will delay the start of their season to January 1, 2021.

This decision was made by the NEWHL, Northeast Woman’s Hockey league, with their main priority being the safety of the players and coaches.

It may seem gloomy right now but believe that it’s only a matter of time before the Buffalo State sports regime gets rolling again.

Until then, find other ways to distract yourself. Pick up a book, hangout with friends (socially distanced of course), find a new hobby, or-and sorry to say it- study for those nasty mid-terms that are coming up.
As Wegmans brilliantly puts it, “Be smart, stay healthy, and stay a cart apart”.