Scajaquada ramp closing should not affect campus traffic
Westbound exit ramp closing for four weeks on NY Route 198.
An exit on NY Route 198 will be closed for four weeks starting today.
The westbound ramp opening to the north side of Elmwood is closing due to construction but should not affect traffic heading into Buffalo State because the eastbound ramp is most commonly used to enter campus.
The ramp is closed for the Scajaquada Creek Project by the Buffalo Sewer Authority which began last November and is scheduled to be completed by December of this year.
The project is “an effort to dredge the historically environmentally stressed creek and use varying native plant landscaping methods to build various wetland buffers and create backwater exits to prevent future pollution,” said Kevin Mendil, Buffalo Sewer Authority.
Since the creek runs through several expressways, it is susceptible to a considerable amount of runoff. This damages many animal habitats and diminishes the beauty of Delaware Park and Forest lawn.
When asked how the closing of the ramp would affect his commute student Patrick Hart said, “At least now when I am late to class I got an excuse,” said Patrick Hart, commuter at Buffalo State.