Marcel Baker- USG Vice President for Campus Affairs and Government Relations
My name is Marcel Baker and in the semester of Fall 2016 I will be a Junior. My major is Health and Wellness with a minor in Speech pathology, and I am looking to put a concentration in Physical Therapy. What I am seeking is to get reelected as the position for Administrative Vice President of Campus Affairs and Government Relations of the United Students Government. I have had the opportunity to work with some of the hardest working students that you can meet at this college. From my time so far being an R.A, to serving on the committee for the Faculty Student Association, I had a fascinating time meeting all of you. I hope to get a chance to meet and work a lot more people here at Buffalo State. This is my first year being involved with USG, I started as a Senator serving on the Public Relations Committee. I did receive an award for being the most active and productive senator under the AVP for Public Relations Asiria Corneille. In my first semester in USG I got the opportunity to run for the AVP of Campus Affairs and Government Relations position after the incumbent AVP resigned. It was a thought of mine to run for this position because I wanted to show that even with the burden of the work for the position, along with being a First Year Mentor in Neumann Hall, success could be achieved under such pressures. With my time as the AVP for Campus Affairs and Government Relations I have gotten the chance to meet the E-Board and some members of many diverse Organizations that we have on campus. Now with the second semester being AVP for Campus Affairs and Government Relations under my belt, I have carried out all the duties…***This candidate submitted a platform that didn’t follow The Record’s word count guidelines.
Juliana Bolaji-USG Vice President for Campus Affairs and Government Relations
I’ve always been an active student on SUNY Buffalo State’s campus. Joining various student organizations has given me a diverse view on what our campus has to offer. Specifically, I’ve been a part of the NIA Mentoring Program, the Residence Hall Association, the Collegiate Science and Technology Entrance Program, along with being a Resident Assistant on campus. Relevantly, I’ve been a member of the United Students Government my freshman and sophomore years. I started out as a senator and I was also the AVP for Academic Affairs. Aside from my experience in this area, I am very sociable and approachable, which is needed for the position of AVP for Campus Affairs and Government Relations. This position requires a non-bias individual who can work effectively with others. This position also requires someone who is great with multi-tasking and preferably a face that the students of Buffalo State are familiar with. I have worked very hard to establish myself as a student, peer, and leader throughout campus. I believe that my work ethic alongside my friendly personality will be a great asset to this position. If elected, my main goal is to create a better relationship between USG and its organizations. Having been on both sides of the wall, I’ve heard the dismay with USG from the student organizations and I’ve also seen the frustrations that come with giving the student body what they’re requesting. I aspire to create a consistent speedy way of communicating with the organizations. I want to encourage diverse collaborations. There are a lot of small organizations on Buffalo State’s
campus who do not get as much recognition as the popular ones and I would like to shed light on their addition to our campus. The integration of smaller and bigger organizations will highlight their contributions and hopefully encourage people to join their organizations.
Berthlyne Francois- USG Vice President for Public Relations
My name is Berthlyne Francois. I am seeking to be a senator. I’ve had the luxury of being a senator for the 2015-2016 academic year and it has been a fantastic experience so far. This is one reason why I am seeking to be a senator once more. Another reason is because I enjoy being a voice for our students. Even though I wouldn’t be on the E-board I feel that my position is just as important, especially when students want to voice their concerns. I am a diligent worker making it so that I am attentive and put my all in everything I work in. I enjoy working with others because I believe it’s important to get the perspectives of others as well as work and be around individuals with varying personalities. As a senator I am willing to take on any task given to me. The experience that I’ve had as a senator so far has shaped me to be more outspoken, involved with our students, and willing to give a helping hand whenever is needed. I feel those aspects are very important when it comes to USG because I know our E-board can’t do everything on their own. I make myself available to attend most events and help our students enjoy them. If I am elected I will continue to be the best senator I can be. I will voice any concerns our students have, bring ideas for events, as well as promote them, and I will promote USG so students know that we are here for them and doing everything we can to make their college experience a great one.
Breanna Hira- USG Vice President for Academic Affairs
My name is Breanna Hira and I am running for the position of USG Vice President of Academic Affairs. I am qualified for this position because I served on my past colleges Student Government board as Secretary so I know the ins and outs of a Student Government. My goals for this positon would be to continue promoting all academic programs throughout the school and to always listen to students concerns and discuss with the Academic Affairs Committee on how to solve these concerns. I should be elected to this position because I am the best person for this position, I will always be open and willing to listen, I will pay attention to what the students want and try my best to give that to them. I decided to run for this position because I feel as though this is the best position for me as I am always wondering at how I can make my school better and our academics is what students should be caring the most about, it’s what I care the most about, it’s what I’m paying for, so it better be good and I hope you agree. At this time, I do not have any ideas or concerns to address. This is my first year here so I am unaware of what concerns the student body may have but I assure you I will address every concern that I can help fix.
Monique Maxwell- USG Vice President for Student Life
My name is Monique Maxwell and I would like to be the AVP of Student Life for the United Students Government. It is essential for the students of this campus to want to get involved and it would be my prerogative to ensure that campus events do so. I am well aware of the commitment and duties needed to fulfill this position. I am currently a sophomore, majoring
in Journalism with a minor in Leadership and Creative Studies. I became a senator for USG in October 2014 of my freshmen year. Being a senator was a building block for me, because it allowed me to understand how USG functions. During my sophomore year, I was given the chance to be the AVP of Student Life where I was in charge of a lot of the programming that USG does. This allowed me to take on more responsibility and execute new ideas and programs. As I go into my junior year, I plan to use the experience and information that I have obtained this year to enhance my performance. I would be a great asset to the executive board and am capable of handling the duties this position entails. I would like for the opportunity to be the AVP of Student Life again to continue to bring forth new, fresh ideas with the help of my peers.
Keziya Raleigh- USG Vice President for Academic Affairs
I am a student who is actively involved within my community. I hold two executive positions, which are Senator for the NSBE and Treasure for the Marketing Club. I have been recognized for earning spot on the Dean’s list and I am a happy member of the Chi Alpha Epsilon Nation Honors Society.
To become a prestigious role model on the student body and perform all my duties as efficient as possible. At the same time keep growing as a professional person with the knowledge that I could gain from my assignments.
Being elected I would work to the best of my ability to bring major concerns from the students to the United States Government. Not only this, but the concerns of USG to the students because some student may not be aware of the rules of our constitution. Also, I am a hard-worker with great time management skills that is willing to learn.
Living on campus, I believe this is a once in a lifetime opportunity to address the problems that I experience with organizations (org). Giving students a voice in what they will like to see happen on and off campus. Also, a chance to learn, excel and prove to myself that I am able to do the work and take these skills with me to the future.
Concerns I plan to discuss, such as: Better ways to budget money by having a subject to change layout per semester of how organizations will spend their money. Two, executive boards coming up with better methods, so students could form an interest in what the org stands for. Three, ringing all organizations together about once a month for relationship and community building based programs. Lastly, address the issue about how student aren’t graduating on time and how they should hire professors who care about the students, our education, and future.
Hector Rosario- USG Vice President for Academic Affairs
Dear United Student Government’s body, As I have found a major interest in doing much more than a regular student that attends college, I have learned to be more involved and have much more responsibilities that will help one grow as an individual that will have much more responsibilities than now. I have decided to run for Academic Affairs Committee Chair, because of what I see what they focus on for the students that attend Buffalo State College, being able to find different ways to influence more students to focus more on school. I believe I should be Elected for this position because my main focus is to find ways to address different academic issues and interests as well as helping students achieve higher grades. Coming to Buffalo State College, I have seen how grades can be academically affected after attending a college. I would be a great candidate to bring more ideas and ways in which we, as an organization can help the student body more.
Littesha Sankar USG Vice President for Public Relations
I feel like I am fully qualified for the position because I am involved on campus in numerous organizations. I am apart of Chi Alpha Epsilon honor society, The Residence Hall Association (RHA), Nia mentor. Over the past two years I have made it my mission to get more involved on campus and become someone who can help make campus life easier for students. As a member of these organizations, I found that it is most important to make the most out of my college career by being involved and staying active on campus. I found that it is important to take advantage of every opportunity in order to achieve great leadership skills and connections.
If elected my goals, as Senator would be to raise awareness of the United Student Government in order to promote student involvement and also to show students that USG hears their concerns and cares about them. I should be elected for this position because, I am dedicated, hardworking, open to new ideas and very informative. I decided to run for this position because, I feel that USG is a very important organization on campus that does a lot for student development. However, there’s a lack of student knowledge regarding USG. Therefore, I would like to promote USG and showcase their ideas and improvements.
Nikita Singh- USG Vice President for Student Life
Ronald Reagan once said, “The greatest leader is not necessarily the one who does the greatest things. He is the one that gets the people to do the greatest things.” With that being said, being a part of USG for two years has opened my mind to a bigger spectrum on student issues and ideas. Joining the student government here at Buffalo State was the best decision I’ve ever made. My first year in this organization, I was given the privilege to carry out large decisions regarding important concerns that our students encounter regularly. I got to give back to the community of Buffalo as our community service time rolled around each semester. And I also got to meet some great people along the way. As my second year came around the corner, I was eager to do twice as much as a student leader. I am currently on the Public Relations Committee. I have worked alongside my current AVP Asiria Cornielle for quite some time now. Everything that I did my first year made me strong enough to now be the Chair of Springfest, which led to me running for the position for AVP of Public Relations. If elected for this position, I hope to keep the student body informed of activities, events and programs. I will be the voice of communication between organizations. I also hope to gain a solid foundation working and collaborating with other organizations on campus. I should be elected for this position because I am very hardworking, determined and have amazing work ethic. I am good for this position because I will be open to hearing ideas to better project the public aspects for each organization. I believe that I exemplify every quality that USG stands for. I will be the voice of reasoning for the students at Buffalo State. I decided to run for this position because I believe that I can help improve the student activities that are on campus. I also believe that I can bring campus unity to both students and administrative.